Fake egg salad sandwiches....yep fake but oh so good!

There are some thing you cannot fake in life and some things you can such as:

1.  interested in something - you make the appropriate facial gestures and nods and uh huh's to indicate that you are actually interested in what the person is saying when in reality you wish they would stop talking but you are to polite to say so
2. orgasms - you knew I was going to say that one didn't you! Yea, we fake them for various reasons such as we want it over and done with because we have some place to be or we are just bored with it at the moment and it isn't what we thought it would be and want it to end quickly (yep, there are days like this - to many to count...way to many!) 
3. fur and leather - how do they make it look so darn real? Need I say more?....nope.  
4. friends - oh yes friends! There are fake ones out there that are masked as real but when the shit hits the fan and you need to clean the fan and the walls and the floor because its' everywhere, you find out who the fake friends are in a hurry.  
5. being sick - I can fake a cough at the drop of a dime, but I hate dropping money so I rarely do this.  Besides, I believe if you fake sick then you will get sick.  I know it sounds hokey pokey but I can't shake that belief.
6. And then there is faking the taste of egg salad! OH YES!!

Sure it doesn't look like egg salad but it sure does taste like it!  Okay, okay....so now you are wondering what is in it that makes what I call "fake egg salad" taste like the real deal. Well, there are no eggs in it, just in case you didn't catch the "fake" part.  Here is my awesome recipe that I adapted from the cookbook: Oh she glows by Angela Liddon.  

1 can of chickpeas which you will rinse and put in to a bowl.  You then will mash up the chickpeas with a potato masher so that it is semi-smooth in texture ensuring that some chickpeas are still intact or in half and not mushed up.
You then chop and dice:  half an onion, a whole dill pickle, 2 stalks of celery, a half of red or yellow or green pepper and toss this into the bowl with the chickpeas.  You then add in 1 tablespoon of mustard, 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of spices that you like - I like italian seasoning.
And then you add the awesome piece of resistance - avocado!!! I don't like using mayonaisse even if it is glutenfree or  vegan as soy is usually an ingredient in it and or some weird mix of something I cannot pronounce.  You take one whole medium avocado and mush it up to a creamy texture (use a ripe avocado as this works best).  You then add it into the chickpea mixture and voila!! Fake egg salad to go with your sandwich or wrap...yep!

Now being glutenfree and trying to stay the straight and narrow about eating plant-based foods and eliminating all meat, diary, and egg isn't easy so finding food that is similar to fight off the odd craving here and there is totally awesome and acceptable! My young adults that still live with me love this fake egg salad and I find I am making it almost every day.  Yes, almost every day! And yes, my young children have not left me as I bake and cook too darn good! Crazee huh.

So my friends, I hope you enjoy the recipe and the chatter around what is fake and why fake can be a good thing at times.  I certainly believe there has to be a balance with everything and that goes for faking things as well.  Now if only I can fake a sexy, handsome man that adores me to pieces and brings me my fake egg salad gluten free wrap while I am soaking the rays from being snow blind....hahahaahaha



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