A Moment to lead by example

I had the greatest opportunity to challenge myself when I was working in a northern community a few years back; I had brought in Great Lakes Cultural Camps to teach kayaking to a group of youth.  What unfolded from that opportunity was one of the greatest learning adventures I have had in a long time.  

Even though it was a wonderful opportunity that was funded and required no money for participants, not many youth came out.  Staff that participated was limited as well which left us with approximately only 5 participants.  I was saddened about it, but I have found out from my experiences, that if we pay for things so that others can participate in them and not expect anything in return for that participation (earn the right to participate), not give back, then we condition our youth, our communities to the thought that opportunities like this will come around again when in reality they won't.  

As there was limited participants, I decided to recruit my son and his girlfriend for the experience and for me to get closer to my son.  My son was hesitant but he came out with me; he isn't as social as me or as adventurous.  I think I top the scale in adventure and spontaneity in my family much to the dismay of my children! Oh to have me as a mother!

We spent two days learning how to kayak: to roll, tip in a kayak, paddle, and be safe.   It was cold as our learning was spent on Lake Superior in the month of June (Lake Superior doesn't warm up like the other lakes do) and it was rainy, windy and not warm at all for June!  Yet, we pushed past it all with the help of the awesome instructors.  I can tell you I was hesitant about going under water with a kayak at my hips and then getting out of the kayak, but I did it in order to get others to try it.  My son would look at me and I could see that he thought I was nuts but he was always the second person to try a lesson once I tried it.  Lead by example and they will follow.  Leading isn't always fun and requires one to try things even if they don't want to, but it is so worth while if others soon follow you.  

On our second day of learning we got to take an afternoon trip in the kayaks down the shore of Lake Superior.  It was just myself, my son and the two instructors as the other participants had called it quits at noon.  It was beautiful as the mist was starting to lift and the lake was at rest making the waters beneath us rise and fall as if breathing softly in sleep.  The water was a deep green, pristine and clear; I was sure if you looked closely you could see your soul beneath you (if you could see such a thing).

Since it was just the 4 of us we were able to explore the area around us at ease.  It was in this exploring that we came upon a rock cliff that was perfect for repelling off of (or so the instructors said it was; I was a little skeptical!).  The one instructor paddled to the shore of the rock, got out and then carried his kayak to the top and showed my son and I how easy it was to repel off of by doing it himself.  We cheered him on (well the other instructor and I did) and he sailed down the rock into the water.  Easy, just like that! Yeah....lol

It was then the instructors said I should give it a try. "Go Carrianne Go! We got you!" they said. I said no at first, but then I looked at my son and said "why the hell not!" and off I went to the shore and up the rock. At the top as I was looking down, I started to get a bit freaked out.  I was up there on that rock wondering about my life (I was thinking if it goes wrong I could probably die) and how at times I can get so stuck in the safety of not challenging my comfort zone, me.  Not wanting to stay in a comfort zone; wanting to show my son that despite our fears and comforts that we can do new things and learn, I pushed my kayak down the rock with my body in it.  I raised my arms and yelled "WhoooooHooooo!" as I was quickly descending down to the water and then I was there, in a splash and a whoop, on the water in front of my son in his kayak. A cougar moment!  "Go my son, go" I tried to encourage my son but he looked at me like I was nuts (I get that look a lot) and said not today.  I let him know that that was okay and off we went to continue our kayak trip down the shores of Lake Superior.  

When we got back to the bay where we started off our trip and after we helped load the kayaks into the trailer, we were given our certificates in kayaking.  It was an awesome feeling knowing that we had accomplished something that others don't always get a chance to do such as this adventure. When we got home, my son told me that he would have tried the rock repelling too but he was so cold at that moment and didn't want to risk getting colder if he ended up in the water.  Lead by example and they will follow, maybe not right away but they will follow.  He will follow and eventually lead on his own.  Life isn't about always doing at the moment but the doing when ready.  If we fail to continue leading because others don't automatically learn/follow/understand then we miss the point of leading.



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